
Gisbertus Voetius: Toward a Reformed Marriage of Knowledge and Piety is unavailable, but you can change that!

This booklet aims to introduce Voetius to an English readership and to show how he wed a reformed scholastic methodology to a heartfelt piety. The church today needs Voetius’ balance of systematic and experiential theology to promote what John Murray has aptly called “intelligent piety.”

childlike trust in the truth.13 Though faith is often mysterious and incomprehensible in its operations, there is nothing uncertain about its sources or its effects. Its sources are the objective truth of Scripture and the subjective illumination of the Spirit. Its effects are affirmation of the Scriptures, sanctification, assurance of salvation, and perseverance—all of which, together with faith itself, are not conditions for salvation, but results of election. Faith is the terminus and effect of
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